Wolverine Wrestling Club High School Program

At the Wolverine Wrestling Room, Ann Arbor, MI

Our Mission

The Wolverine Wrestling Club is for serious wrestlers who are committed to becoming a better wrestler and a better version of themselves. Our wrestlers are dedicated to becoming state and national champions because our coaches are dedicated to getting them there.

Why Pick Wolverine Wrestling Club?

Here, we understand that hard work and commitment do not guarantee results. We do guarantee that you will not succeed without them. Rather, we believe that your hard work simply provides you the opportunity to perform at optimum levels.

Our club is more than just an open room. The Wolverine Wrestling Club has been developed to work with individuals, teams, clubs, and high school programs.
And there is not a wrestling club in the state of Michigan that offers such a comprehensive and competitive training program.

We are committed to five key areas of development.

Everything we do — on and off the mat — promotes sportsmanship, leadership, and character development.

Greco Roman Freestyle-Season Wrestling Information

  • Spring Freestyle Season begins March 3, 2025 through the end of school year.
    Fall season runs from Sept. 3rd – Nov. 3rd, 2025

  • Monday, Wednesday and Friday at 4:00 PM
    Tuesday and Thursday. 4:00 PM

  • Skyline Wrestling Room, 2552 N Maple Rd, Ann Arbor, MI 48103
    (wrestling room entrance is off the 2nd floor indoor track)

  • Email Coach Mason for more information: admin@wolverinewrestlingclub.com

  • Our Freestyle-season is geared toward freestyle technique development, movement & throws as well as  physical conditioning. This is accomplished through repetitive drilling, competitive wrestling, and conditioning exercises. Our Freestyle-season wrestlers learn technique, develop moves and execute match strategy with-in our Olympic style of wrestling. The Freestyle-season is a great way to add more moves and technique to your wrestling repertoire.  You will become a better wrestler with the participation in a freestyle program. College coaches are looking for well rounded wrestlers. Those who understand and compete in Folkstyle, Freestyle and Greco Roman wrestling.

    Our pre-season is geared toward physical conditioning and technique development, which we obtain through repetitive drilling, competitive wrestling, and intense conditioning exercises. Our pre-season wrestlers who show up to every practice and give 110% will hit their stride by the start of the high school season.

Important Information

Below are links to various important forms and other information pertaining to the Wolverine Wrestling Club high school program.

WWC High School News & Announcements

Freestyle Greco Roman season begins

March 4, 2025|

The Freestyle Greco Roman season begins Monday, March 3, 2025.  Weights range from 55 pounds and as big as 240 pounds. These young boys and girls are a real pleasure [...]

Coach McFarland visits Skyline Team Bonding day

January 25, 2025|

Former University of Michigan Head wrestling coach made a guest appearance for Skyline HS Team bonding event.  Joe shared some stories, technique and great fun. Coach enjoyed his visit on [...]

  • FreeSyle Spring 2024

Fall Season Starts September 4th

August 26, 2024|

  The Fall season begins Wednesday, September 4, 2024.  We look forward to our young eligible wrestlers. Weights range from 55 pounds and as big as 240 pounds. These young [...]

Former 3X Skyline Captain continues wrestling career

March 15, 2024|

Former 3X Skyline Captain continues wrestling career. Josef Oginsky starts new coaching career.  Joe has shown great promise as a new youth and high school coach.  "it takes a lot [...]

Freestyle Season Kicks Off

April 11, 2023|

The  High School and Middle School Freestyle Seasons are off to a great start. Hard work and commitment will not guarantee results. You [...]

Wrestling Fundraiser

March 7, 2023|

Wrestling Fundraiser Forsythe MS and Skyline HS Wrestling Take a night off from cooking and join us in eating for a great cause. Who:           Skyline [...]